We stand at a crossroads in our nation. Liberals have hijacked the constitution and are reinterpreting our founding fathers to present an ungodly agenda for the future of America.
What God says is wrong (SIN), we are being told is right, normal, and that if we stand against these offences to the word of God then we are bigots and racist. We live in an age where anything that You want to do is proclaimed as your right. 
Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our Eternal God the creator of all we see, hear, taste, and feel has set boundaries and when we cross those boundaries we have broken His law. 
The problem stems from a lack of knowledge. God himself said "My people perish for a lack of knowledge. The word of God superceedes  all documents of man. God said it that settles it period! When we as a nation began to take God out of our schools, our government, our lives, we crossed a line that should never have been crossed. Christians set back and with their lack of action allowed this to take place.
Now we are facing a crisis. Defund the police, school shootings, murders, same sex marriages, gender identification, all because we failed as a "Church" to stand up and be counted. We allowed a perverted world to sow seed of discord. God said "What soever a man soweth that also shall he reap." "He that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh also reap corruption." 
What can we do? the first thing we can and must do is pray, Then we must live according to the word of God and we find those directions in His word. Then we should let our voices be heard on any issue that does not line up with the word.
I hear it all the time "God still has a remnant of believers!" I believe that He has more than a remnant. I believe that in America god still has an army of sold-out, born again, soldiers who are waiting in the reserves for marching orders. Remember God is always working behind the scenes. The israelites were sometimes in bondage for hundreds of years before God moved. Be patient and true my friend for God is still in control.